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butterfly garden student action villa espil2018 Villa Espil, San Andres de Giles, Buenos Aires, Argentina

EES N° 5, Villa Espil, San Andrés de Giles. Students: Mateo, Isaias, Tamara, Candela

This project is based on the winning project of 2016, Villa Espil, a Garden for Butterflies. It intends to regenerate a biodiversity production space, involving everyone in town, by planting plants that contribute to the return of many butterfly species that today have disappeared due to the lack of environment that favors their development.

butterfly garden student action villa espil

The new proposal is to build a small nursery / laboratory within the school premises in which students can learn with hands-on learning. The aim of the nursery is to learn how to produce native plants that host butterflies, which will be needed in the gardens of the town, and also come in contact with manageable complex biological variables involved in the cycle of reproduction of butterflies related to the native plants of the place.

This project will be completed December 2019.


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First Grey Water

2018 Villa Lia, San Antonio de Areco, Buenos Aires, Argentina

EES N° 3 “Mariano Ustariz”, Villa Lía, San Antonio de Areco. Students: Joaquín, Rocío, Morena, Tobías

The project focuses on the environmental problem of how laundry water is handled, in a town without sewers. As a field task, students analyzed and quantified the scale of the problem being investigated. Proposed solutions to address this issue include an awareness campaign about the effects and possible solutions to the treatment of soapy water, and the development of grey water treatment module by using small homemade wetlands. Simultaneously, a dry phytoremediation swamp is being built at the school to treat grey waters from school bathrooms.

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student action implementation EEE2018 Carmen de Areco, Buenos Ares, Argentina

EES T N° 1, Carmen de Areco. Students: Nicolás, Agustina (all the classroom was involved with the implementation)

This Project intends to create a classroom-space dedicated to natural sciences and new technologies.  This classroom-space will have laboratory characteristics in which native plants, both aquatic and terrestrial, will be produced, based on a novel production system such as aeroponics and the associated parmaculture.

student action implementation EEEThis project combines other CFW projects; they used arduinos system and the idea of the 2017 winning project “smart light” that manages the light intensity and the day / night duration. They are using renewable energy, solar photovoltaic, solar thermal peltier cells and the whole system is robotic and managed by arduinos. They have humidity, co2, and intensity sensors and different types of luminosity.

They also wanted to make an aquatic system and a system with algae for a biofilter. They will be  breeding native fish to re-populate the streams in the area. All this will be done within a research framework supported by sensors and powered by renewable energies.


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The Hummingbird in Action

student hummingbird implementation

2018 Tres Sargentos, Carmen de Areco, Buenos Aires, Argentina

EES N°3, Tres Sargentos Carmen de Areco. Students: Marcos, Solange, Brisa, Paula (with the participation of all the classroom during implementation)

The aim of this project is to continue with last year’s project “My friend the hummingbird”. That project’s objective was to re-forest the town of “Tres Sargentos” with native trees and bushes, to encourage the presence of birds, specially the hummingbird.

planting a garden

The first step taken was to build a greenhouse in school premises where students planted 1000 seeds of which only 50 plants grew. So, in this second stage, the students of this project worked on mistakes made last year and as a result, they produced more plants.

They finished the year participating in a market where they exchanged plants and it was open to the entire community. The project ended with the plantation of the trees grown at school and other plants and flowers donated by different gardens and people of the town around a large poster made of mosaics at the entrance of the town.

student action group photohummingbird mural

* Some Plants were donated by: Fundación Senderos del monte, Reserva de Gualeguaychu, Vivero de la reserva de Ribera Norte de San Isidro, Vivero de Chicos Naturalistas and Basanta family, Pablo Peliasco, Mauro Fossati and Rodriguez family.

Innovation and Infrastructure icon

Silence Please

2018 San Antonio de Areco, Buenos Aires, Argentina

EES N° 1, San Antonio de Areco. Students: Aylén, Melina, Tomás, Martina silence please student action

This project is based on the recycling of waste materials and the impact of sounds as a health issue. It proposes to use different materials to improve the acoustic problems in the classrooms of this High School. After trying out different recycling materials, based on acoustic measures made by the students, they confirmed that this intervention is beneficial for the classrooms.

They will choose a classroom as model and will alter its walls and roof with different “layers” that will help improve the noise levels. The idea is to measure the impact of this intervention as a previous step to proposing a school-wide intervention of all the classrooms in the school.

*This project received the donation of floor from Nutrien Ag Solutions, cardboard tube, and its waiting the final approval for the class intervention.


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E.T.E (Energía Termodinamica en casa – Thermodynamic energy at home)

2018, Carmen de Areco, Buenos Aires, Argentina

Escuela de Educación Secundaria N° 1, Carmen de Areco. Students: Ana, Rocío

The focus of this project is on renewable energies. It bases its proposal on the first law of thermodynamics and analyzes the possibility of transforming temperature gradients into electrical energy.

A scale model was built that transforms the temperature difference of water circulating between two containers into electrical energy. Studying three know effects, Peltier, Seedbeck and Thomson, the prototype built, allowed to light a lamp by using a Peltier cell. Based on this, the project proposes to analyze the economic viability of taking this to a larger scale, using the temperature difference that normally occur in houses and buildings.

ETE student action ETE student action ETE student action

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Rainwater Collection and Reuse

completed vertical garden2018 Capitan Sarmiento, Buenos Aires, Argentina

Escuela de Educación Técnica n° 1 de Capitán Sarmiento. Students: Franco, Lautaro, Matías, Oriana

The project developed a rainwater collection and filtration system for the school roofs. The water recycling of this system is used in a first stage to irrigate a vertical garden built by students in an external schoolyard. This space will be used as a classroom open to the study of nature.

The students received mentoring and collaboration from Arq. Julieta Sacher y la Arq. Laura Valda.

vertical garden construction

*This project received the donation of some plants from “LAM garden”, “Pamela Picardi garden”, and participation and help from the students families.

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2018 Capitan Sarmiento, Buenos Aires, Argentinawater collecting module

Escuela de Educación Técnica n° 1 de Capitán Sarmiento y Escuela de Educación Técnica N° 1 de San Andrés de Giles.

This project proposed improved water management through rainwater recycling. The students created a small prop, in a small-scale module in which rainwater recollection from the school’s roof is used in a learning module to study fluid physics. The students created the module in a simple way so other schools can replicate the model.

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Path Found & Something More than a Mural

mural student action2018 San Antonio de Areco, Buenos Aires, Argentina

EES N°5, San Antonio de Areco. Students: Yamile, Ayelén, Jimena, Rocío

This Project is a prolongation of last year’s project “Music of Nature” proposed by 1st year students, of this school, at the Caring for Our Watersheds program 2018, and which was embodied in the form of a mural in which the four seasons of the year and nature come together with music and different pictorial styles.

mural student actionOn this basis, the new Project adds two new initiatives aimed at creating a space of convergence between art and the care of nature within the institution. To achieve this, students proposed, with the help of artists, to create an external classroom around the “Music of Nature” mural, and also, create an art intervention, in part of the school’s main playground, with recycled parts. Both spaces suggest a modern dynamic in its contents, updated throughout the year with pupils’ ideas.


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Jobs of the Future

2017 Villa Lia, San Antonio de Areco, Buenos Aires, Argentina

EES N°3 of Villa Lia: Students: Samuel, Magdalena, Agustín, Luz

The aim of this project is to establish a serious reflection in the educational community, regarding the early choice of professions that value and contain environmental caring. The project proposes “Villa Lia” as the field of study and its development for the next 20 years, and it emphasizes on the study of sustainable environmental policies and on including youth as necessary actors and participants.

For these, they required more information about actual professional careers related with the environment. The students did not  have access to new careers and technologies, so they visited the “Foundation Telefónica” that was presenting the use of 3D printer applied on design, medicine, fashion. The students also visited the Musem CCK that shows art and culture.