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E.T.E (Energía Termodinamica en casa – Thermodynamic energy at home)

2018, Carmen de Areco, Buenos Aires, Argentina

Escuela de Educación Secundaria N° 1, Carmen de Areco. Students: Ana, Rocío

The focus of this project is on renewable energies. It bases its proposal on the first law of thermodynamics and analyzes the possibility of transforming temperature gradients into electrical energy.

A scale model was built that transforms the temperature difference of water circulating between two containers into electrical energy. Studying three know effects, Peltier, Seedbeck and Thomson, the prototype built, allowed to light a lamp by using a Peltier cell. Based on this, the project proposes to analyze the economic viability of taking this to a larger scale, using the temperature difference that normally occur in houses and buildings.

ETE student action ETE student action ETE student action