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Jobs of the Future

2017 Villa Lia, San Antonio de Areco, Buenos Aires, Argentina

EES N°3 of Villa Lia: Students: Samuel, Magdalena, Agustín, Luz

The aim of this project is to establish a serious reflection in the educational community, regarding the early choice of professions that value and contain environmental caring. The project proposes “Villa Lia” as the field of study and its development for the next 20 years, and it emphasizes on the study of sustainable environmental policies and on including youth as necessary actors and participants.

For these, they required more information about actual professional careers related with the environment. The students did not  have access to new careers and technologies, so they visited the “Foundation Telefónica” that was presenting the use of 3D printer applied on design, medicine, fashion. The students also visited the Musem CCK that shows art and culture.