Rules & Scoring

Open to students in Grades 7-12.

1. Answer the question: What can you do to improve your watershed?

2. 1-4 students per team

3. Identify an environmental concern

4. Research the concern (discuss the idea with parents, teachers, friends and local experts)

5. Identify a REALISTIC SOLUTION to address the concern

6. Explain your idea in an approximately 1,000 word grant-style application. Use graphics, models, pictures or videos to supplement your idea.

This isn’t a proposal on what a watershed is - this is a proposal to the community on ONE solution that you have that would make an actual difference to the planet. Focus on one solution and tell us…how will it make a difference? what is the timeline? who will do the work? what will it cost? where will you get the money? Think your idea through as if you were actually going to do it….and afterwards…we just might fund it!

7. Entries are judged on: (see Scoring for details)

  • Innovation & Adaptability
  • Impact Potential
  • Research & Writing
  • Budget
  • Realistic Solution
  • Visuals
  • Contribution to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)
  • Environmental Literacy

8. Submit your entry online. All support materials not submitted online must be sent to the local Contest Coordinator before the contest deadline.

9. Ten finalists will be selected to make a 5 minute presentation to a panel of judges and a public audience.

10. Implement your idea (this is voluntary). Funding is available.

11. Win awards for yourself and your school or club*!

* Please note: If a Home School child enters their school reward will go to a not-for-profit charity of their choice

Contest Scoring

You may download a PDF of the following Scoring Guidelines:

Finalists "Content Score" will be added to their "Presentation Score" to determine placement.