Author Archives: Chloe Sprecker

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Automatic Taps

2013 Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada
Tory Okemow and Dwight Kennedy noticed that their school used a lot of water as a result of taps left carelessly on in the bathrooms. They proposed that automatic taps would use less water and would be cleaner, safer, and more environmentally friendly than regular taps.

These students also live on school residence, and noted even more wasted water: “the Student Lodge does waste a lot of water all year round with students leaving the water on when brushing teeth.” The benefits of automatic taps include being “easy to operate; stopping the spread of germs and bacteria; preventing water overflow; preventing scalding; and saving water and money.”

An automatic tap was installed in one of the bathrooms at Southeast Collegiate, thanks to Nutrien. The students hope to monitor the difference between the automatic tap and regular taps at the school to demonstrate the need to change all of the taps in the school and at the residence.


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Toilet Buddy Town

2013 Manitou, Manitoba, Canada
toilet buddy placement diagram
Lenina Howatt from Nellie McClung Collegiate wanted to propose a simple solution to help conserve water.

“Every litre of this resource is incredibly precious to our environment, especially due to its scarcity. As soon as humans intervene, extracting water from its natural watershed, nature’s course is interrupted. The water is chemically processed and treated, “contaminated” with human use, and further treated again. This drawn out and lengthy process is energy inefficient and costly! But, we can reduce our impact on our watersheds and their natural cycles, further preserving them and all toilet buddytheir benefits (filter/buffer water, provide drought/flood stability and “bounce back” capability, maintain biodiversity, promote primary productivity, support wildlife, and erosion and sedimentation control) by simply doing one thing… CONSERVING water!”

She suggested something inexpensive, easy-to-install called “Toilet Buddies”. “Toilet Buddies are plastic, water-filled bags that hang inside your toilet tank, displacing water and saving you the liter capacity of the bag each time you flush!”

Her goal was to distribute toilet buddies to each household in her community and thanks to an $800 contribution by Nutrien, this proposal became a reality.

“My goal for this is to make my town more water-wise and to locally pave a water conscious path for the future!”

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Riperian Restoration

2013 Forestburg, Alberta, Canada
4H club group photo
The Golden Prairie 4-H club out of Forestburg has made a positive impact in the Battle River Watershed. Maven Boddy, a natural leader in the club, entered the Caring for our Watersheds contest with a proposal to improve riparian health that was both multi-faceted and forward thinking. Her plan to improve riparian areas involved planting hundreds of trees along the riverbank, but that wasn’t all. Her plan also incorporated educating the club and community on the importance of riparian areas and implementing a long-term health assessment on the project site.

Prior to tree planting, the club planned an educational canoe ride along the area of the river that would be restored with the seedlings. During the ride participants were taught about riparian areas and factors contributing to their declining health. This was also a great opportunity for a crash course in Alberta ecology, with a plethora of birds and other animals to see and hear.hands and dirt

On the tree planting day approximately 30 volunteers from the 4-H club gathered to plant over 200 seedlings. A variety of native trees and shrubs were chosen that would grow well in the Alberta climate. These trees will improve the strength of the riverbank with their roots and also provide wildlife with habitat for years to come. The project site will now be monitored in order to determine how the health of the area is improving. Maven invited local experts to carry out riparian health assessments and bird surveys, and a second round of assessments is planned for a few years down the road. Funding for the trees and health assessments came from a Victory Canola 4-H Grant as well as from Nutrien’s implementation funds.

Clean Water and Sanitation iconLife on Land icon

Build and Install Owl Boxes on Local Farms

2013 Colusa, California, USA
students with owl boxes
After looking into environmental issues in their rural community, Ruby Dunham and Kyle Cervantes were concerned about the use of rodenticide to control rodent populations on farms. Because rodenticide takes a while to process through the system, rodents are slowly affected and are easy targets for predators, usually raptors. Thus rodenticide can cause secondary poisoning of raptor populations, a current threat to their survival.

Dunham and Cervantes wrote a proposal to build and install barn owl boxes on a local farm to both provide habitat and natural control of rodents. This would reduce or eliminate the need for rodenticide, decreasing the introduction of these chemicals into out watersheds and the birds and wildlife that inhabit them– a win-win situation for farmers and the environment.

Students worked with the school’s shop teacher and a local cabinet maker to build the boxes. Funding was provided by the local Morning Star Cannery, who helped to install the boxes at a grower’s ranch. Students built a total of 22 owl boxes for use at local farms and ranches. Barn owls, very efficient hunters (a family can consume over 3000 mice a year), have already begun to inhabit the boxes.  This type of integrated pest management can serve as a model for other farms in the area.

Life on Land icon

Native Plant/ Habitat Restoration

2013 Sacramento, California, USA
group of 3 male students working
As students in the Watershed Biology class as Christian Brothers High School, Scott Sturges, Ty Patrick, and Dominick Tullo studied several issues and concerns with their local watershed. They were especially concerned about the loss of riparian habitat for wood ducks and other bird and wildlife species. Their proposal, which made the finals, was to restore habitat by planting native species of trees and shrubs and building nesting boxes for birds.

Christian Brothers students worked with Putah Creek Council to plant several native species of trees and shrubs both along the banks of Putah Creek and in an upland area adjacent to the creek. An implementation grant from Nutrien helped pay for transportation for the students to the project site.2 female students working

In addition to improving wildlife habitat and the increasing the diversity of native plants along the creek, their plantings will help to stabilize the stream banks and strengthen the riparian buffer, which acts to filter pollutants before entering the creek. The diversity of natives can also serve as habitat for pollinators, which are essential to the surrounding agricultural area. Theirs is truly a project that will have positive benefits for the watershed for years to come.

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Blackberry Removal Along Arcade Creek

2013 Sacramento, California, USA
Student removing blackberries from soil
As a student at Mira Loma High School, Preethi Raju participates in the Arcade Creek Project, which aims to restore Arcade Creek by having students engage in a variety of actions, such as testing water chemistry to check for pollution, cataloging the different plants and animals, and taking part in restoration tasks. In addition, Mira Loma students hold various outreach events throughout the year to inform the public about how they can help to ensure the creek stays healthy.

As students spend time and learn more about the creek area, they are encouraged to think of ways to improve and expand upon stewardship of this natural resource

After visiting Arcade Creek, Raju was particularly concerned with the invasive, non-native plant Himalayan Blackberry, This aggressive, thorny bush grows quickly, has a large root system, and outcompetes native plants.  Thus, these native plants are deprived of their habitats, and so are the animals that depend on these plants.multiple students removing blackberries from soil

Raju wrote a proposal to increase the number of student volunteers and work events held to limit the encroachment of Himalayan Blackberry.  Her proposal included recruiting students from other area high schools. Raju’s proposal made the Caring for Our Watersheds finals, and as a result of her actions, more than 20 students joined the effort to help remove the non-native plant.

With implementation funds from Nutrien, Raju purchased new tools to remove the invasive species and held outings after school various times throughout the year to go and work on the plants. The students not only removed considerable blackberry from several sites, but also engaged in other projects, such as picking up trash and planting seeds for native plants.

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Students Raise Salmon in Their Classroom for Release

2013 Stockton, California, USA
Salmonoids in tank
When Stockton Collegiate juniors Breana Inoshita, Nura Nasser, and Alyssa Somers were directed to research the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta and identify an environmental concern, the girls identified a native fish facing declining populations, Chinook salmon. Raising salmon would help bring awareness to the student body of Stockton Collegiate that Chinook salmon are native to the Delta and that the salmon population has been declining for a variety of reasons.

In March 2012 Inoshita, Nasser, and Somers were awarded 7th place in the Caring for Our Watersheds competition for their plan to raise salmon and release them to the Delta. Starting in Students releasing salmonDecember of 2012 the girls implemented their plan at school with funding from Caring for Our Watersheds. With the help of their school club, they built the incubator for the salmon, and eggs were delivered on December 19, 2012.  The tank was monitored daily for appearance (of the salmon), water temperature, and pH. When the salmon fry were finally ready, the girls and their teacher traveled north east to just below the Mokelumne River Hatchery, and helped release the fry on March 22nd, 2013.

The students plan on raising salmon again next year and will include a second incubator at the Stockton Children’s Museum.

Students who are a part of the after school program will maintain and monitor the incubator. This project will bring more awareness and education about the salmon native to our watershed to the greater Stockton community.

Life on Land icon

Tree Huggers

2013 Campbellford, Ontario, Canada

Taylor, Christina, and Brooke, grade 8 students from Kent Public School in Campbellford identified that their watershed is lacking in trees. Currently, our watershed forest cover is only 21% when it should be (at a minimum of) 30%. We’re looking to increase this forest cover. By increasing the amount of trees in our watershed, will help purify the air and water.

Taylor, Christina and Brooke proposed planting trees in their community. Their project was implemented by planting 62 trees in the spring of 2014 as part of a larger edible forest project at Kent Public School.

This Caring for Our Watershed idea has had a positive impact for the health of the Lower Trent Watershed and the local communities.

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Bag it! Trash it!

2013 Brighton, Ontario, Canada

Tyler Brown, a grade 9 student from East Northumberland Secondary School won first place for his idea called Bag it! Trash it! Tyler identified that dog waste that is left on the ground by pet owners throughout the watershed is a problem with an easy solution. He identified various environmental concerns such as contamination of local water systems as well as health concerns from diseased dog feces

Tyler proposed installing dog waste dispensers with biodegradable bags in convenient public locations throughout the watershed to encourage dog owners to pick up dog waste and dispose of it in an environmentally friendly manner.

The uptake of Tyler’s solution has been tremendous throughout the Lower Trent Region Watershed with a total of 18 dog waste dispensers to be installed as a result of Tyler’s idea. From May 2013 to August 2013, 14 dog waste dispensers were installed in high canine areas in the towns of Colborne, Brighton (including two Conservation Areas; Proctor Park and Goodrich-Loomis) and Frankford. In the fall of 2013 another eight dog waste dispensers were installed in Presqu’ile Provincial Park.

Tyler’s Caring for Our Watershed idea has had a positive impact for the health of the Lower Trent Watershed and the local communities.

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“Green” Education for Life

2013, San Antonio de Areco, Buenos Aires, Argentinagreen edu 4lf 1

This project emphasizes the early teaching of environment care to kindergarten students. It aims to teach the students about nature and simple ways to take care of it. One example is by making vegetable gardens that are built with disposable materials. This project also implements puppet shows and plays to captivate students while also creating awareness.

CNC assisted in the project by putting the students in contact with two plastic artists. These artists helped the students create a “square garden” with puppets for the puppet shows/plays and an “owl” that illustrates different images of birds and trees.