Watershed Resources
Watershed Introductory Videos
What is a Watershed?
A shed that holds water? Nope. Everyone in the world lives in a watershed. Watch this short video to learn what a watershed really is.
Why Should You Care About Our Watersheds?
Protecting our watersheds is more important than ever. Fresh water and healthy soils are limited and as our world population grows we all need to do more to preserve and improve the land, air and water.
Nutrien Watershed Contest
Youth around the world are turning their environmental ideas into solutions. The Caring for Our Watersheds program asks the question, “What can you do to improve your watershed?” Answer the question and take action in your community!
Water Nexus Videos
This video series is generously provided by Alberta WaterPortal Society.
The Sacramento River Watershed is the largest watershed in California and covers 27,000 square miles from the Oregon border to the Delta. As one of the largest watersheds in the United States, it serves as an important source of drinking water and recreation as well as a vital economic artery for commerce and agriculture. Therefore, preserving and maintaining its water quality is crucial.
(Sacramento River Watershed Program)
Sacramento River Watershed Resources:
Sacramento River Watershed Program
– Comprehensive site focused on Sacramento River watershed
Sacramento Bee Supplement 2008
– Educational supplement about Sacramento River watershed-designed for young students
Yolo County Resource Conservation District
-Welcome to the Watershed Publication and other info on conservation issues
Sacramento County Department of Water
– Stormwater quality, drinking water
Sacramento Suburban Water District
– Water Conservation tips
Solano County Water Agency
– Conservation: Habitat, Water, Invasive Species
Sacramento River Watershed Map file: http://sacriver.org/images/srw_map_poster.gif
California Water Myths
– Interactive site describing each myth with pictures, video and further reading
California Water Myths – Full Report and Summary Report
– California faces enormous challenges in establishing a sustainable path for water resource management. This study highlights eight common water myths, focusing on water supply, ecosystems, and legal and governance issues.
Per Capita Urban Water Use in CA – Interactive Map
– This interactive map presents estimates of urban water use (in gallons per person per day) for the state’s major hydrologic regions. Roll over each region for a summary of population and per capita water use for selected years since 1960.
Waterwise Pest Control Program – City of Sacramento Stormwater Quality Improvement Program
– Commonly used garden pesticides can often runoff into storm drains and local waterways, threatening their health and quality. The Sacramento Stormwater Quality Partnership, the Sacramento Regional County Sanitation District, and the UC Master Gardeners work together to provides residents with information on safe, effective and practical alternatives for pest control.
Pollution Solutions – City of Sacramento Stormwater Quality Improvement Program
Ideas for Auto care, Home care, Lawn care, Animal care, and Trash disposal EPA Environmental Kids Club
– Wide range of resources
EPA Climate Change – What you can do
– Students, educators and school administrators can all play a key role in reducing greenhouse gas emissions. Here is a directory of some education and action planning resources to help you:
Water Cycle
– highlights the four stages: rain, water storage, vapor, clouds
Project Budburst
– A national phenology and climate change field campaign for citizen scientists
Information on many aspects of water, along with pictures, data, maps, and an interactive center.
Izaak Walton League of America: Defender of Soil, Air, Woods, Water, and Wildlife
– Has cool publications like “How to Build a Raingarden” and much more!
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