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Underwater Cleanup

2016, Falcon Lake, Manitoba, Canadaunderwater cleanup student project implementation manitoba

Because Delaney Rosentreter from Westwood Collegiate is passionate about both diving and clean water for the environment, she organized an underwater cleanup at the Falcon Lake Marina. This implementation was done in partnership with Diver City Scuba and the Falcon Lake Marina.

“There are many environmental benefits to my
underwater cleanup project. Benefits include cleaner water for the lake, marine life, and the ecosystem in general. This simple yet environmentally changing project is easy for anyone to get involved around the underwater cleanup project implemented in manitobacommunity. The marine life will have more areas to lay eggs, less debris on the lake floor, and have more plant life for the fish to feed on.”

Close to 20 divers participated in the cleanup. Although the water was murky, several objects were found including a drone! Following the dive, the divers were provided with a BBQ lunch and hot beverages to warm up.