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Rain Barrels

2010 Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada 

Kysha LaPlante and Dan-Elle Kramchynski from Mr. Kasun’s Grade 8 class at St. Edward School won first prize in the grade 7 to 9 category of the Caring for our Watersheds competition. The project plan developed by these two students was to decorate and supply rain barrels to participating schools in the Greater Saskatoon Catholic School Division. A total of 10 schools (plus their own school) were eager to participate in the project. The students worked together and managed to get the majority of the materials supplied in-kind from various suppliers, including the poly barrels themselves. As a result, the students only requested $150.00 from Nutrien to complete their project. Nutrien was delighted to present these students with the funds required.

Kysha and Dan-Elle did a wonderful job of decorating their rain barrel, encouraging other schools to decorate their barrels as well. Students from their school were involved with decorating the final projects.

Kysha and Dan-Elle took part in a presentation at their school commemorating Earth day on April 22, 2010. During this presentation, these two students presented their school with the $1000.00 awarded to the school because of their project.