
No Hunger iconResponsible Consumption icon


2023, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada
vegetables growing under lights indoors
Kobe, Oliver, David, and Meaghan are from St. Augustine School in Saskatoon. Their project focused on hydroponic gardening. They wanted to show the benefits of growing your food instead of buying it from stores. With their hydroponics, they have been able to grow tomatoes, lettuce, and strawberries. They used their plants to support garden boxes at their school. They have even produced a few yields of fruit and vegetables that St. Augustine students were able to make into a delicious meal. Kobe, Oliver, David, and Meaghan hope that people will “Go Green” with an eco-garden.

    Sustainable Development Goals:

  • Goal 2- No Hunger
  • Goal 12- Responsible Consumption and Production

vegetable salad with lettuce oranges strawberries

Climate Action iconLife on Land icon

Brilliant Bats

2022, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada
bat house outside
Did you know that one little brown bat can eat 1000 insects a night? To reduce the number of pesticides used in Saskatoon, Evan from Montgomery School decided to build houses for bats. He has installed ten bat houses across the city and countryside. Evan also partnered with Meewasin Valley Authority and added QR Codes on signs to help educate the public about bats and other flora and fauna in Meewasin Valley. They also had a public bat installation event at a local park. Thanks to Evan, 300 bats have brand new homes in the City of Saskatoon.

Sustainable Development Goals:

  • Goal 15- Life on Land
  • Goal 13- Climate Action

Students putting bat house together outside Student and man using table saw for bat house

outdoor signage for bat house

Clean Water and Sanitation iconLife Below Water iconLife on Land icon

Brush Off Invaders

2023, Lloydminster, Alberta, Canada
Students looking at project board mounted outside
Cassy and Emmett were concerned about the presence of invasive plants in their watershed, so they came up with the idea of boot brush stations. Since invasive plant species can get onto the shoe’s of hikers, a boot brush can stop the spread into different areas. A benefit from these stations is that native plants will continue to thrive in the environment, and parks will have more management against invasives.

Their project targeted the Sustainable Development Goals #6 Clean Water and Sanitation (6.6), #14 Life Below Water (14.1, 14.2), and #15 Life Above Water (15.1, 15.5, 15.8).

They started with building stations to install into parks around their county and city with the help of their class. A sign is attached to each station with information on invasives and why it is important to use these stations before going onto a trail. Cassy and Emmett were able to work with their local municipalities to get permission to put their stations in 4 parks. They even donated a few to their local watershed group.

Students standing by project board

Clean Water and Sanitation iconClimate Action iconLife on Land iconPartnerships for the Goals icon

Trees & Beads

2023, Medicine Hat, Alberta, Canada
Two students standing by project on table
Taylor and Kyptin raised money for tree planting by selling jewelry. They wanted to give people an opportunity to participate in something beneficial for the environment. Their goal was to expand awareness by encouraging others to share their platform. With each purchase made they would donate to a local tree planting group. They advertised their product on a variety of social media channels, on a local radio station, and with schools.

The Sustainable Development Goals they focused on were #6 Clean Water and Sanitation, #13 Climate Action, #15 Life on Land, and #17 Partnerships for the Goal.

They partnered with Trees Canada and were able to get 125 trees planted by May 2023. Some future partnerships they want to make were with AWES, 2 Billion Trees program, and Trees for Life. All profits that are made will go towards the donation. They have been able to start a sustainable business that helps the community and environment.

wrists with bracelets on them

Clean Water and Sanitation iconClimate Action iconLife Below Water iconLife on Land icon

Willow Staking

2023, Calgary, Alberta, Canada
group of students by river
Jade’s project was on reducing erosion of riverbanks after seeing the consequences of flooding in the Bow River. They decided on willow staking along banks that have little to no vegetation. Willows can survive in wet environments and their root system can prevent erosion while filtering pollutants. Some of the other benefits to their project is improving biodiversity and providing habitat and food for wildlife.

The Sustainable Development Goals Jade focused on were #6 Clean Water and Sanitation, #13 Climate Action, #14 Life Below Water, and #15 Life on Land.

They partnered with Friends of Fish Creek to learn how to properly willow stake. There was a call for volunteers and funding from the community to be able to complete this project. Jade chose a location with little vegetation and where other projects had already been implemented to ensure better results. Her target was to plant 100 stakes along 50m of stream bank. With the help of the volunteers, she was able to complete their first planting.


Life on Land icon

Bat Boxes

2023, Claresholm, Alberta, Canada
logo of bat box

Mary-Ann wanted to increase the population of bats residing in her town, so she built bat boxes. With human populations growing and taking away natural habitat for bats, they have limited options. Bat boxes provide a place to roost and provide protection from predators and the elements. Mary-Ann designed a three-chamber bat box to provide room for larger colonies. The benefit of having more bats in the area is decreased insect populations without having to use harmful chemicals. They wanted to educate the community about the importance of bats by leaving posters with information

Their Sustainable Development Goal was #15 Life on Land.

Mary-Ann approached her local councilors about her project to get permission for putting bat boxes in the community. With the approval of the council, they put boxes up in local parks and campgrounds. They also got the help of their construction teacher and students to help build the boxes. A bat box building club has been formed in their school because of this project.

Life on Land icon

Project Yellow

2022, Selkirk, MB, Canada

Jerzy is a student from Lord Selkirk Regional Comprehensive Secondary School in Selkirk, MB. When she was posed with the question, “What can I do to improve my watershed?”, she was buzzing with ideas!

With Project Yellow, I hoped to improve the state of our watershed’s bee population. In order to do so, I handed out packets of Anise Hyssop seeds; a plant very attractive to pollinators. My workplace gave me permission to hand out a packet with each sale, which helped me give away over 80 of the 100 packets. Whilst explaining my project to customers, they showed a genuine interest in helping. It only took two shifts to clear out the seeds! The rest of the seeds were given to friends and family. I am very pleased with the level of community involvement as it will take one to save our watershed.

Life on Land icon

The Story of Frog Plains

2022, West Kildonan Collegiate, Winnipeg, MB, Canada
Two girls kneeling down looking at grass
When Breanna and Rae from West Kildonan Collegiate in Winnipeg, MB heard that a protected wetland in their area was not being upkept, they decided they wanted to do something about it! They organized a group of students to go in, pick some weeds and invasive species, and plant some new native species to bring the area back to its former glory!

“We want to help and connect our community by bringing back the beauty that this wetland once was.”
Two girls standing with plants growing in pots
The girls partnered with Edmond Partridge Middle School so that they could educate the next generation and have them help with the project. They also made a partnership with the Aki Learning Centre who donated some plants including Narrow Leaf Sunflower and Purple Prairie Clover. They also got some extra little packages of seeds to give to students to plant elsewhere in the community and spread their project beyond Frog Plains!

Blue Thunderbird logo

No Hunger iconSustainable Cities and Communities icon

Food For All

2022, Lord Selkirk Regional, Selkirk, MB, Canada
Girl standing with contest winner sign
Jenna is a high school student from Selkirk, MB who wanted to do something to reduce food waste in her community. She got permission from her boss at the grocery store she works at to start donating food that cannot be sold in his store rather than throwing it out. They worked together to create a plan to have the food picked up and transferred to the school’s breakfast club. Her project met environmental sustainability needs, but also social ones, as well.

“Even this small call to action may seem small but, in the end, it will make a great impact among the community. Food waste has accumulated so much over the years especially with the pandemic occurring. I feel my solution for such a huge problem is needed greatly in these harsh times.”Aaron's No Frills sign

Life on Land icon

Supporting Wild Canadian Bees

2021, Calgary, AB, Canada

Protecting our native bee population is something that can have lasting positive effects on our way of life, and no one knows this better than Aisling, a grade 9 student at St. James School in Calgary, Alberta. Aisling had a growing concern for the local bees and pollinators in her schoolyard after realizing that bee habitat was lacking. This inspired her project to create biodiverse pollinator gardens at her school, to complement the existing bee hotels and native gardens.

While pollinator garden projects were started at St. James School in the past, Aisling was determined to improve them by planting various native wildflower species to attract local bees and other effective pollinators. In doing so, these bees would have healthy habitat to live in and pollinate, and, with a bit of luck, allowing their population to grow. She and her fellow students hope that the increase in pollinator habitat and populations will have a positive impact on the natural areas in her school and community.  These environmentally conscientious initiatives will subsequently benefit the greater watershed, and improve life on land for all.