
Clean Water and Sanitation iconLife Below Water iconLife on Land icon

Brush Off Invaders

2023, Lloydminster, Alberta, Canada
Students looking at project board mounted outside
Cassy and Emmett were concerned about the presence of invasive plants in their watershed, so they came up with the idea of boot brush stations. Since invasive plant species can get onto the shoe’s of hikers, a boot brush can stop the spread into different areas. A benefit from these stations is that native plants will continue to thrive in the environment, and parks will have more management against invasives.

Their project targeted the Sustainable Development Goals #6 Clean Water and Sanitation (6.6), #14 Life Below Water (14.1, 14.2), and #15 Life Above Water (15.1, 15.5, 15.8).

They started with building stations to install into parks around their county and city with the help of their class. A sign is attached to each station with information on invasives and why it is important to use these stations before going onto a trail. Cassy and Emmett were able to work with their local municipalities to get permission to put their stations in 4 parks. They even donated a few to their local watershed group.

Students standing by project board

Clean Water and Sanitation iconClimate Action iconLife on Land iconPartnerships for the Goals icon

Trees & Beads

2023, Medicine Hat, Alberta, Canada
Two students standing by project on table
Taylor and Kyptin raised money for tree planting by selling jewelry. They wanted to give people an opportunity to participate in something beneficial for the environment. Their goal was to expand awareness by encouraging others to share their platform. With each purchase made they would donate to a local tree planting group. They advertised their product on a variety of social media channels, on a local radio station, and with schools.

The Sustainable Development Goals they focused on were #6 Clean Water and Sanitation, #13 Climate Action, #15 Life on Land, and #17 Partnerships for the Goal.

They partnered with Trees Canada and were able to get 125 trees planted by May 2023. Some future partnerships they want to make were with AWES, 2 Billion Trees program, and Trees for Life. All profits that are made will go towards the donation. They have been able to start a sustainable business that helps the community and environment.

wrists with bracelets on them

Clean Water and Sanitation iconClimate Action iconLife Below Water iconLife on Land icon

Willow Staking

2023, Calgary, Alberta, Canada
group of students by river
Jade’s project was on reducing erosion of riverbanks after seeing the consequences of flooding in the Bow River. They decided on willow staking along banks that have little to no vegetation. Willows can survive in wet environments and their root system can prevent erosion while filtering pollutants. Some of the other benefits to their project is improving biodiversity and providing habitat and food for wildlife.

The Sustainable Development Goals Jade focused on were #6 Clean Water and Sanitation, #13 Climate Action, #14 Life Below Water, and #15 Life on Land.

They partnered with Friends of Fish Creek to learn how to properly willow stake. There was a call for volunteers and funding from the community to be able to complete this project. Jade chose a location with little vegetation and where other projects had already been implemented to ensure better results. Her target was to plant 100 stakes along 50m of stream bank. With the help of the volunteers, she was able to complete their first planting.


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Water: It’s Worth a Dam!


Natalie from Rocky Mountain High School addressed poor water quality from the ash and floods from the Cameron Peak Fire. To address this issue, Natalie created a man-made beaver dam in the Cache la Poudre watershed. For the last three years, black and murky water has traveled down the Poudre River negatively impacting 330,000 citizens who rely on the watershed for drinking water and other uses. Additionally, there are not enough beavers in the Poudre to build dams that reduce flooding and settle the ash. Therefore, Natalie implemented a man-made beaver dam analog (BDA) in the Lile Beaver Creek burned watershed. She wove together natural materials like willows, evergreens, and wood to make the dam. As a result, the stream widened by 1.5 feet and the water slowed. The stream got deeper by 0.5 feet above the dam and started settling the sediment. This solution addressed Targets 6.1 and 6.6 of the Sustainable Development Goals.


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The Hole Picture


Callen from Rocky Mountain High School addressed water use and polluted runoff by providing a soil moisture sensor to a golf course. Over 2 billion gallons of water are dumped onto golf courses in the United States each year. In addition to that, most of them are overwatered which creates excess runoff that carries fertilizers into the watershed creating algae blooms. A great way to stop the issue of overwatering is utilizing a soil moisture sensor. The sensor measures how much water is in the soil. These readings can help a golf course adjust the amount of water they are putting on the grass. This solution addressed targets 6.3 and 14.1 of the Sustainable Development Goals.

Clean Water and Sanitation iconResponsible Consumption icon

How Dog Waste Stations will Improve our Watershed


Peyton from Roosevelt High School addressed excess nitrogen and phosphorus in our watershed by installing animal waste stations throughout her neighborhood. Dog waste contains nitrogen and phosphorus that influences the growth of algae. That algae depletes the oxygen that aquatic life needs to survive and it carries significant sources of pathogens and disease-causing bacteria. These pathogens eventually end up running into the water that we drink, causing severe health problems for animals and humans. So, Peyton decided to install 2 dog waste stations throughout her neighborhood to help decrease the number of toxins entering the watershed. To also help her neighbors better understand the harmful effects of waste, she also provided them with an informational pamphlet. Peyton reported that before the stations, there were about 9 piles of dog waste within 900 ft. After the installation, there were only around 1-2 piles from before. The waste stations managed to fill up in only 2 weeks. This solution addressed Targets 6.3 and 12.4 of the Sustainable Development Goals.

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Follow the Litter


Isabella Caterisano and Nera Wilson, students from Rocky Mountain High School, took a stand against plastic waste by providing reusable bottles to individuals in need. Motivated by the sight of plastic waste scattered across their local watershed, they decided to take action. Isabella and Nera collaborated to distribute 160 water bottles to Fort Collins Cafe, aiming to reach community members who require assistance. They specifically chose this location due to its accessible water bottle filling station, which serves both the general public and the homeless population. To raise awareness about the problem they were addressing, these dedicated individuals designed and affixed an educational sticker on each water bottle. This solution addressed Targets 6.6 and 6.1 of the Sustainable Development Goals.


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Why We Need Green Cleaning


Olivia Martinez from Berthoud High School addressed the effects of the improper use of chemical cleaning products on her watershed by creating green cleaning kits containing ingredients that are not harmful to the watershed. Olivia’s project helped find better products for families, industrial buildings, and schools that will essentially benefit the watershed rather than hurt it. Changing the way we clean would ultimately help the environment by reducing air pollution, protecting endangered species, and can assist in preserving Earth’s natural resources. This solution addressed Targets 14.1 and 6.1 of the Sustainable Development Goals.

Clean Water and Sanitation iconLife on Land icon

Creating Animal Habitats for Our Creek

2023, Arlington, VA, USA

5th grade students at Jamestown Elementary studied and investigated the local creek on the school property with the help of a Master Naturalist and park Steward. They discovered that there was a lack of animals around the creek and decided to make a change. Students attracted animals using bird houses and insect hotels. This also included a screech owl box to attract new birds to the area. A flicker nesting box near the creek to attract the local northern flicker population, and snake guards to the blue bird nesting box poles to protect them. 

The students were thrilled to see that all 4 boxes were used by the targeted bird population, wrens, and the nests were kept and shown to science students. 

The creek became a valuable learning tool for all ages to understand the unique role each organism plays in the overall health of an ecosystem. 

SDG: 15: Life on land, 6: Clean Water and Sanitation

Targets: 15.5, 6.6

Quality Education iconClean Water and Sanitation iconSustainable Cities and Communities icon

Water Conservation Open House

Girl holding 500 dollar cheque for environmental contest winner

Hana is a student in Grant High School’s GEO Academy, and a 2022 Caring for Our Watersheds finalist. With funding from Nutrien and the help of her fellow classmates at Grant, Hana organized and facilitated an Open House event on campus to demonstrate various techniques to conserve water in the landscape and home. Stations included information on drought tolerant plants, mulching, composting, drip irrigation, and water conservation devices such as soil moisture meters, faucet aerators, and low-flow showerheads. Free samples of water-wise plants and devices were available to community members.

Students standing at station for orange poppy Boy learning about conserving water outside at info station