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Students Raise Salmon in Their Classroom for Release

2013 Stockton, California, USA
Salmonoids in tank
When Stockton Collegiate juniors Breana Inoshita, Nura Nasser, and Alyssa Somers were directed to research the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta and identify an environmental concern, the girls identified a native fish facing declining populations, Chinook salmon. Raising salmon would help bring awareness to the student body of Stockton Collegiate that Chinook salmon are native to the Delta and that the salmon population has been declining for a variety of reasons.

In March 2012 Inoshita, Nasser, and Somers were awarded 7th place in the Caring for Our Watersheds competition for their plan to raise salmon and release them to the Delta. Starting in Students releasing salmonDecember of 2012 the girls implemented their plan at school with funding from Caring for Our Watersheds. With the help of their school club, they built the incubator for the salmon, and eggs were delivered on December 19, 2012.  The tank was monitored daily for appearance (of the salmon), water temperature, and pH. When the salmon fry were finally ready, the girls and their teacher traveled north east to just below the Mokelumne River Hatchery, and helped release the fry on March 22nd, 2013.

The students plan on raising salmon again next year and will include a second incubator at the Stockton Children’s Museum.

Students who are a part of the after school program will maintain and monitor the incubator. This project will bring more awareness and education about the salmon native to our watershed to the greater Stockton community.