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Just Like a “Hornero”

2013, San Antonio de Areco, Buenos Aires, Argentina

hornero 1This project was implemented in a small rural community called Cucullú. The main business activity of this small village with a population of 1300 inhabitants is the making of clay bricks, and the income for these workers is very low.

CFW brought an architect to the school to assist the students. With the help and guidance of the architect, who specialized in sustainable conshornero 2tructions, the students proposed an architectural creation and architectural education organized in a small building in the town. This particular building is a place where the community gathers for training, meetings, and special events.

The aim of the project is to use this place as a small educational space for the town; the students, their parents and siblings will be trained in the craft of sustainable construction, helping to improve the primarily poor conditions in which the community lives.

As a first step, they created a “Russian chimney” that it is a sustainable way to cook and maintain heat, which will keep the place very warm in the winter.