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Dreaming in Purple

Greeley West High School, Greeley, Colorado, USA

Anayeli Martinez from Greeley West High School was concerned about the trash she was finding in public parks. Anayeli understood that trash from one watershed can end up in another watershed –even as far down to the ocean– affecting both land and aquatic organisms and vital resources they depend on. To address her concern, Anayeli produced a piece of artwork to illustrate the beauty of the natural world to encourage her peers and community to look after it. She painted a round canvas with illustrations of sea life –seahorses, jellyfish, and sea turtles– in a purple color scheme that included yellow, blue, and pink colors. The canvas is bordered by tissue paper and buttons -representing trash that can surround and infiltrate our watersheds. Anayeli’s artwork illustrates one of her dreams: thriving watersheds across the world contributing to healthy oceanic ecosystems. The artwork has been displayed at the Poudre Learning Center (an outdoor center), a retirement home, and will continue to circulate throughout other locations like Anayeli’s school. Her project contributes to Target 6.3 and 12.5 of the Sustainable Development Goals.

Painted round convas with illustrations of sea life, student posing, canvas hanging on wall