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Biodegradable Lunch Waste Project

2017, Greeley, Colorado, USA

Mazlyn FreierLUNCH WASTE PROJECT student action Colorado
Greeley Central High School, Greeley, Colorado

Mazlyn Freier from Greeley Central High school identified her school’s problem of adding over 10,000 Styrofoam plates from the school lunch program to the local landfill every year.  Mazlyn contacted the school district Nutrition Services to determine the convert her school to compostable sugarcane plates in the cafeteria.  Mazlyn contacted local companies for samples of their compostable plates.  Finally, she selected Eco Products, a local food service supplier from Boulder, Colorado, for the sugarcane plates for the school.  19 cases of plates were ordered and delivered to the school for use in the cafeteria.  In addition, Mazlyn contacted a local composting service that agreed to pick up the colorado student action lunch waste projectplate waste twice a week.  The school has been using these plates since April of 2017, and plan on continuing this practice.  Mazlyn has contacted the other schools in the district with the goal of implementing this program throughout Greeley.