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Battle River Photography Contest

2008 Strome, Alberta, Canada

Strome Junior High School students Brandon Miller and Briana Dewitz believed people would see the watershed differently when captured through the lens of a camera. Their winning Caring for our Watershed proposal idea was for a photography contest, with the winning photos being used in a calendar they would produce. The pictures were to be entered into and judged on 4 specific categories; watershed wildlife, people in nature, capture the river and the damage.

The students wanted to celebrate the beauty of the Battle River Watershed, to have fun, and to help other people see their area in a new light. The final outcome would be that the experiences be captured by a photo to highlight the watershed.

The students hoped to that the contest would encourage community members to get outside into nature, thereby increasing their understanding of the area, establishing a deeper relationship with the area and taking action in protecting the beautiful natural spaces of the Battle River Watershed.
The students saw some of the benefits not only to be for the watershed, but to also be for the greater community in experiencing the watersheds as a whole. “One of the benefits of our project is to show people the beauty and diversity of the Battle River Watershed. We believe if people see the beauty of the Battle River Watershed they will be more careful how they treat the environment in the watershed.”

The Battle River Watershed Alliance is proud to have helped these students implement their idea.