2011 Cromer, Manitoba, Canada

Growing up on a cattle farm, situated in a valley with a creek meandering through it, Kendra Elliott is familiar with the idea of livestock crossing through the water. With this, also comes the knowledge of the controversy surrounding the concept of farm animals being allowed in waterways. She proposed a structure called a Riffle crossing that is “positive for the environment, the farmers, and the animals”.
A student at Virden Collegiate, Kendra won first place at the Caring for Watersheds Competition. Her extensive knowledge on the topic and excellent presentation skills made the difference. Working with the West Souris River Conservation District, a plan was established to install a riffle crossing near Cromer, Manitoba. The Conservation District provided the work in kind and the materials and equipment needed was provided through a generous grant of $8000 made possible by Nutrien.
Kendra had a lot to say about her implementation process and experience:
“Actually having the riffle crossing installed almost seems surreal – most school assignments are just hypothetical, but this one came to fruition in a big way. I’m very thankful that Mr. Cochrane got us involved with the CFW program because none of this would have happened without that first step. Messages of how important it is to look after the environment surround us, but something like this makes it all that more real.
This riffle crossing will help improve the health of the Pipestone Creek, downstream to Oak Lake. This beautiful valley and creek is where I’ve grown up – it is home. Hopefully projects like these will help maintain that natural appeal for many future generations to come. Even the riffle crossing adds aesthetic value. The easiest way to explain it is that it’s a happy place – watching and listening as the water tumbles over the rocks.
It makes me proud to know that I was involved in making this happen.”