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A Vertical Garden for Pollinators

pollinator garden2019, Sacramento, California, USA

MET Sacramento student Isa Sheikh is an officer and active member of the Garden club. As such, he is always looking for ways to improve and extend the garden as well as expand its environmental benefit. As most of the raised beds in the garden area are used to produce vegetables and/ or fruit, Isa wanted to find space to add a pollinator garden, which would attract native pollinators and provide nectar sources for them during other parts of the year.

vertical pollinator gardenIsa identified some narrow spaces on campus that were suitable and got approval to plant, but realized he could most efficiently use the space by adding a vertical element to his pollinator garden.  By trellising some common pollinator friendly plants, he not only provided habitat, but also added to the aesthetics of his school campus—and hopefully will increase the productivity of the garden as well!