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Young People Leading American Eel Species Repopulation

2023, Lewistown, PA, USA

Wildlife and Fisheries Science students at Mifflin County High School took action to help restore the native American Eel population in Kish Creek.

They partnered with Susquehanna River Basin Commission, Cerry Township, Mifflin County Conservation District, PA Fish and Boat Commission, and the PA Game Commission to create a sustainable action plan.

Upon learning about the eels and their impact in the waterway, students raised eel in the classroom, released them into the local creek, and planted native seedlings along the creek. This project occurred throughout the duration of the school year and resulted in an immediate increase in the local eel population.

The students plan to continue monitoring the eel in their local watershed, conduct water testing, and involve future classes in macroinvertebrate monitoring. The knowledge and resources that they have gained while monitoring this eel population, is inspiring them to educate friends and families and involve themselves in other projects that can improve their local watershed.

SDG: 4: Quality Education, 14: Life Below Water, 15: Life on Land

Targets: 14.1, 15.1