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Caroline Middle School North Anna River Cleanup Implementation

2024, Milford, VA, USA

Close to Caroline Middle School is a local favorite hiking location in North Anna Battlefield Park that students noticed was covered in a lot of litter.

To solve this problem, they proposed installing trash cans and signage to promote protecting the watershed. However, upon implementing they learned that although they could clean up litter, they were unable to install trash cans. Being flexible, they used the money to go towards an environmental educational experience. They facilitated students being able to go on a field trip to an army training base that gave students a high-level overview of efforts to maintain wetland ecosystems. Through these activities and discussions with the personnel, students learned that protecting our watershed isn’t always straightforward and we need all hands-on deck.

SDG: 6: Clean Water and Sanitation, 17: Partnerships for the Goals

Targets: 6.6