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There’s No Plan Bee

Rocky Mountain High School, Fort Collins, Colorado, USA

The bee population is decreasing across the United States due to habitat loss. Their population decline could result in major effects on native plants and crops as bees play a vital role in our watersheds. Sadie Gudmestad and Evelyn Railsback from Rocky Mountain High School decided to take action by educating elementary students about these essential pollinators and how they benefit their watershed. Sadie and Evelyn presented to 150 elementary students in two different schools. Each student also received a kit containing flower seeds, a flowerpot, and a soil disc. With these kits, students were given the opportunity to grow a bee habitat around their homes to help address the decline in bee population. Sadie and Evelyns’ project contributed to Target of the Sustainable Development Goals.

Students presenting in front of screen to class, classroom view of students presenting