Program Information

The CARING FOR OUR WATERSHEDS program asks students to submit a proposal that answers the question, “What can you do to improve your watershed?” Students must research their local watershed, identify an environmental concern and draft a written proposal containing one realistic solution. Community judges select the top entries to compete at a final, verbal competition for cash prizes.
This program is Monday morning ready and fits into STEM curriculum. The program is offered at no cost, that’s right FREE, and includes watershed presentations and support from community mentors.
Caring for Our Watersheds is more than just a classroom assignment. The program teaches students real life skills including researching, planning, budgeting, and written and verbal communication. Most importantly, the program teaches students that they CAN make a difference.
Young minds often hold the key to amazing innovations that can protect and improve our watersheds.
Deadlines, rules, awards and watershed information is special for each contest. Choose your location to find out more.
Caring for Our Watersheds is a collaborative effort of 150 community partners around the world including program founder and sponsor, Nutrien, and the like-minded organizations hosting each contest
Watershed Information
What is a watershed?
If you don’t know what a watershed is, it’s time to find out…we all live in one.
Why should you care?
Protecting our watersheds is more important than ever. Fresh water and healthy soils are limited and as our world population grows we all need to do more to preserve and improve the land, air and water.